Apr 2, 2023


You missed, its a no-code platform for quickly and easily publishing web-based AR/VR experiences. It differentiates from in that it takes a toolkit approach instead of the Swiss Army Knife approach like Blippar, Zappar and others.

My team and I took this approach because understand that not all XR experiences are the same; which is why we offer a diverse set of tools, each tailored with unique core mechanics and optimizations, to ensure exceptional end-user experiences across all mobile and desktop browsers.

The other appealing part of is that it brings together a multitude of industry standard libraries/SDKs (from Media Pipe to 8th Wall) and packages them up in a way thats tailored to how XR creators work.

Ohh and its Free to register and test out, very generous free tier that renews every month.




Director of DevRel @ … former CTO @ & AR Engineer @ Blippar — If you can close your eyes & picture it, I can find a way to build it